Home Healthy Lifestyle Sushruta Samhita Chapter 44 Virechanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya Adhyaya

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 44 Virechanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya Adhyaya

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 44 Virechanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya Adhyaya


This text explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 44 “Virechanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya Adhyaya” – Information of getting ready emetic recipes.

Sushruta doing surgery an plot image

Virechanadravya vikalpa Vijnaniya- Information of getting ready purgative recipes

अथातो विरेचनद्रव्यविकल्पविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||
We’ll now expound the chapter by title Virechana dravya  Vikalpa Vijnaniya – data of getting ready recipes from purgative medicine, as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Learn – Lord Dhanwantari ‘The God of Ayurveda’

Virechana dravya – Purgative medicine

अरुणाभं त्रिवृन्मूलं श्रेष्ठं मूलविरेचने |
प्रधानं तिल्वकस्त्वक्षु फलेष्वपि हरीतकी ||३||
तैलेष्वेरण्डजं तैलं स्वरसे कारवेल्लिका |
सुधापयः पयःसूक्तमिति प्राधान्यसङ्ग्रहः |
तेषां विधानं वक्ष्यामि यथावदनुपूर्वशः ||४||
Under talked about are the purgatives that are finest of their respective classes –

  • Root of Trivrit which is barely pink in shade is the perfect amongst root purgatives;
  • Bark of Tilvaka is the perfect amongst bark purgatives;
  • Haritaki is the perfect amongst fruit purgatives;
  • Eranda taila is the perfect amongst oils purgatives;
  • Recent juice of Karavella amongst purgative juices and
  • Milky sap of Sudha amongst purgative saps (are an important)

Now I’ll describe their recipes and makes use of in succeeding order.
Learn – Virechana Remedy – Proper Technique, Aspect Results, Administration

Mula virechana – Purgative recipes from roots

Trivrit Kalpa – Recipes of trivrit

Shveta trivrit – Operculina terepethum(Linn)
Shyama trivrit – Ipomoea petaloids chois

Trivrit recipe for vata issues

वैरेचनद्रव्यरसानुपीतं मूलं महत्त्रैवृतमस्तदोषम् |
चूर्णीकृतं सैन्धवनागराढ्यमम्लैः पिबेन्मारुतरोगजुष्टः ||५||

Massive roots of Trivrit that are unspoiled (not broken by worms, hearth and so forth.) and soaked properly within the juice or decoction of different purgative medicine are taken and pounded in order to organize their wonderful powder.
This powder needs to be consumed with extra amount of Saindhava and Nagara; together with bitter liquids by the particular person affected by ailments of vata origin.
Learn – Trivrit – Operculina turpethum – Utilization, Dose, Aspect Results

Trivrit formulations for pitta and kapha issues

इक्षोर्विकारैर्मधुरै रसैस्तत् पैत्ते गदे क्षीरयुतं पिबेच्च
गुडूच्यरिष्टत्रिफलारसेन सव्योषमूत्रं कफजे पिबेत्तत् ||६||

The identical (powder) needs to be consumed together with merchandise of sugarcane juice (equivalent to sugar and so forth) or juice of medication that are candy in style and together with milk in ailments of Pitta origin.
The identical (powder) needs to be consumed together with juice (decoction) of Guduchi, Arista, Triphala, added with Vyosha and Gomutra in ailments of kapha origin.
Learn – How To Stability Pitta Dosha? Line Of Therapy

त्रिवर्णकत्र्यूषणयुक्तमेतद्गुडेन लिह्यादनवेन चूर्णम् |
प्रस्थे च तन्मूलरसस्य दत्वा तन्मूलकल्कं कुडवप्रमाणम् ||७||
कर्षोन्मिते सैन्धवनागरे च विपाच्य कल्कीकृतमेतदद्यात् |
तत्कल्कभागः समहौषधार्धः ससैन्धवो मूत्रयुतश्च पेयः ||८||

Powder of Trivrit needs to be blended with powders of Trivarnaka (Trijata – twak, ela and patra), Tryushana (trikatu – pippali, maricha and shunthi) and previous jaggery and consumed (to treatment kaphaja issues).
Alternatively, 1 kudava (160 grams) of paste of Trivrit needs to be soaked (boiled) in 1 prastha (640 grams) of decoction of the identical roots (Trivrit) after including 1 karsha (10 grams) every of Saindhava and Nagara. It needs to be consumed when the elements attain the type of a confection (grow to be thick paste or jam like consistency).
One other type of utilizing that is – one a part of the paste of Trivrit needs to be blended with half portion of powder of shunti and little amount of saindhava and gomutra and consumed.

समास्त्रिवृन्नागरकाभयाः स्युर्भागार्धकं पूगफलं सुपक्वम् |
विडङ्गसारो मरिचं सदारु योगः ससिन्धूद्भवमूत्रयुक्तः ||९||
(विरेचनद्रव्यभवं तु चूर्णं रसेन तेषां भिषजा विमृद्य |
तन्मूलसिद्धेन च सर्पिषाऽऽक्तं सेव्यं तदाज्ये गुटिकीकृतं च ||१०||
गुडे च पाकाभिमुखे निधाय चूर्णीकृतं सम्यगिदं विपाच्य |
शीतं त्रिजाताक्तमथो विमृद्य योगानुरूपा गुटिकाः प्रयोज्याः) ||११||

Equal amount of Trivrit, Shunti and Abhaya (2 tola every) together with half amount every of (1 tola every) properly ripened Puga phala, Vidanga, Maricha and Devadaru needs to be powdered. On this 1 masha of Saindhava needs to be added and consumed with Gomutra.
Powder of Purgative medicine is soaked properly within the juice (or decoction) of roots of the identical purgative medicine. This needs to be blended with ghee ready with previous roots of Trivrit and floor correctly. Tablets needs to be ready from this paste and needs to be consumed with ghee. Tablets of three masha needs to be ready. These tablets / tablets needs to be consumed in appropriate doses and ailments.
The powder of purgative medicine (Trivrit and so forth.) needs to be blended in syrup of jaggery and cooked correctly and cooled. When cooled, powder of Twak, Patra and Ela are added and grinded correctly. Drugs needs to be ready from this. These tablets shall be used to supply purgation in prescribed ailments.
Learn – How To Stability Kapha Vata Dosha? 6 Elements To Contemplate

वैरेकीयद्रव्यचूर्णस्य भागं सिद्धं सार्धं क्वाथभागैश्चतुर्भिः |
आमृद्नीयात् सर्पिषा तच्छृतेन तत्क्वाथोष्मस्वेदितं सामितं च ||१२||
पाकप्राप्ते फाणिते चूर्णितं तत् क्षिप्तं पक्वं चावतार्य प्रयत्नात् |
शीतीभूता मोदका हृद्यगन्धाः कार्यास्त्वेते भक्ष्यकल्पाः समासात् ||१३||

Powder of a purgative drug within the proportion of 1 and half half is boiled in 4 occasions its amount of its personal decoction. Throughout cooking, some amount of ghee is added and a amount of Saamita (flour of Godhuma) additionally cooked within the steam of the boiling decoction (are added to the decoction). When this assumes the consistency of molasses, it’s faraway from the oven, after it cools and emits a pleasing scent, it’s rolled into Modaka (large tablets) and consumed in appropriate doses and in appropriate ailments.

रसेन तेषां परिभाव्य मुद्गान् यूषः ससिन्धूद्भवसर्पिरिष्टः |
वैरेचनेऽन्यैरपि वैदलैः स्यादेवं विदध्याद्वमनौषधैश्च ||१४||

Mudga is boiled / triturated within the decoction of a purgative drug and its soup ready. This soup is blended with saindhava and ghee and used for purgation. In the identical approach soup ready from different pulses together with decoction of purgative medicine (after boiling or triturating with them) might also be used for the aim of purgation. Equally, even emetic recipes could also be ready and used.
Learn – Inexperienced Gram (Mung bean) Qualities, Makes use of, Cures, Analysis

भित्त्वा द्विधेक्षुं परिलिप्य कल्कैस्त्रिभण्डिजातैः प्रतिबध्य रज्ज्वा |
पक्वं च सम्यक् पुटपाकयुक्त्या खादेत्तु तं पित्तगदी सुशीतम् ||१५||
A chunk of sugarcane is break up into two and a paste of tribhandi (shveta trivrit) is put contained in the break up. The elements are tied along with threads. The cane piece is then cooked within the method of putapaka coated with mud plaster, put into a fireplace. After it’s cooked and turns into cool, it needs to be consumed by the particular person affected by ailments of Pitta origin.

सिताजगन्धात्वक्क्षीरीविदारीत्रिवृतः समाः |
लिह्यान्मधुघृताभ्यां तु तृड्दाहज्वरशान्तये ||१६||
Powder of equal amount of Sita, Ajagandha, Tvakkshiri, Vidari and Trivrit, and added with honey and ghee needs to be licked for aid from thirst, burning sensation and fever.

शर्कराक्षौद्रसंयुक्तं त्रिवृच्चूर्णावचूर्णितम् |
रेचनं सुकुमाराणां त्वक्पत्रमरिचांशकम् ||१७||

Advantageous powder of Trivrit (one half) added with one- fourth a part of powder of tvak, Patra and maricha and licked with sugar and honey is an efficient purgative recipe for individuals of tender structure.

पचेल्लेहं सिताक्षौद्रपलार्धकुडवान्वितम् |
त्रिवृच्चूर्णयुतं शीतं पित्तघ्नं तद्विरेचनम् ||१८||

Leha (confection) needs to be ready with sharkara 1 pala, kshaudra (honey) ½ kudava and powder of Trivrit and needs to be consumed after it has been cooled. It produces purgation and mitigates pitta (finest to supply purgation in pitta aggravation / pitta ailments).
Learn – Pitta Improve Signs – Pitta Vriddhi Lakshana

त्रिवृच्छ्यामाक्षारशुण्ठीपिप्पलीर्मधुनाऽऽप्नुयात् |
सर्वश्लेष्मविकाराणां श्रेष्ठमेतद्विरेचनम् ||१९||

Powder of Trivrit, Shyama (Vriddhadaraka based on Dalhana) Yavakshara, ginger and Pippali licked with honey is a finest purgative recipe in all ailments produced by Kapha.

बीजाढ्यपथ्याकाश्मर्यधात्रीदाडिमकोलजान् |
तैलभृष्टान् रसानम्लफलैरावाप्य साधयेत् ||२०||
घनीभूतं त्रिसौगन्ध्यत्रिवृत्क्षौद्रसमन्वितम् |
लेह्यमेतत्कफप्रायैः सुकुमारैर्विरेचनम् ||२१||
Pathya, Kashmarya, Dhatri, dadima and Kola and with distinguished seeds inside them – are fried in oil (of eranda) and made into decoction. On this decoction, fruits of bitter style (equivalent to Bijapura) are cooked. When it assumes thick consistency, powder of trisugandha and Trivrit and Kshaudra (honey) are added. This confection is an efficient purgative for ailments of Kapha origin and individuals of tender structure.
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नीलीतुल्यं त्वगेलं च तैस्त्रिवृत्ससितोपला |
चूर्णं सन्तर्पणं क्षौद्रफलाम्लं सन्निपातनुत् ||२२||
Niliphala one half, tvak and Ela collectively equal to it, added with powder of trivrit and sitopala equal to the above three (six half all collectively) is consumed with honey and juice of any fruit. That is nourishing purgative and mitigates sannipata Dosa.

त्रिवृच्छ्यामासिताकृष्णात्रिफलामाक्षिकैः समैः |
मोदकाः सन्निपातोर्ध्वरक्तपित्तज्वरापहाः ||२३||
Trivrit, Shyama, Sita, Krishna and Makshika (honey) all equal elements are made into Modaka (bolus); these when used, mitigate sannipata Doshas.

त्रिवृद्भागास्त्रयः प्रोक्तास्त्रिफला तत्समा तथा |
क्षारकृष्णाविडङ्गानि सञ्चूर्ण्य मधुसर्पिषा ||२४||
लिह्याद्गुडेन गुटिकाः कृत्वा वाऽप्यथ भक्षयेत् |
कफवातकृतान् गुल्मान् प्लीहोदरहलीमकान् ||२५||
हन्त्यन्यानपि चाप्येतन्निरपायं विरेचनम् |२६|
Trivrit, three elements, triphala equal to that, so additionally of Kshara (Yavakshara), Krishna and Vidanga (every three elements) are to be powdered and licked with honey and ghee or made into tablets utilizing jaggery and consumed. This cures belly tumor brought on by Kapha-vata, enlargement of the stomach resulting from enlargement of spleen, chlorosis (superior jaundice) and plenty of such ailments. It is a secure purgative.

चूर्णं श्यामा त्रिवृन्नीली कट्वी मुस्ता दुरालभा ||२६||
चव्येन्द्रबीजं त्रिफला सर्पिर्मांसरसाम्बुभिः |
पीतं विरेचनं तद्धि रूक्षाणामपि शस्यते ||२७||
Powder of Shyama, Trivrit, Nili, Katvi, Musta, Duralabha, Chavya, Indrabija and Triphala consumed together with ghee and soup of meat produces purgation simply and is suited even to individuals who’ve dryness (of the alimentary tract).
Learn – How To Put together Triphala Kwath From Triphala Churna

वैरेचनिकनिःक्वाथभागाः शीतास्त्रयो मताः |
द्वौ फाणितस्य तच्चापि पुनरग्नावधिश्रयेत् ||२८||
तत् साधुसिद्धं विज्ञाय शीतं कृत्वा निधापयेत् |
कलसे कृतसंस्कारे विभज्यर्तू हिमाहिमौ ||२९||
मासादूर्ध्वं जातरसं मधुगन्धं वरासवम् |
पिबेदसावेव विधिः क्षारमूत्रासवेष्वपि ||३०||
Decoction of purgative medicine (trivrit and so forth) three elements after cooling are to be added with Phanita (mollases) two elements, boiled and liquid diminished (to half the amount) and allowed to chill. Subsequent, it’s put right into a pot smeared inside with honey, mouth of the pot sealed and stored undisturbed for some days contemplating the chilly or warmth of the seasons. After one month when the liquid has obtained a very good style and scent like honey, this Varasava (well-formed fermented liquid) needs to be taken out and consumed as a purgative. This process is similar for getting ready Asava (fermented liquid) from Kshara (Alkalies) and Mutra (urines) even.
Learn – Makes use of Of Animal Urine As Per Ayurveda

Sura Kalpana – Making ready beer

वैरेचनिकमूलानां क्वाथे माषान् सुभावितान् |
सुधौतांस्तत्कषायेण शालीनां चापि तण्डुलान् ||३१||
अवक्षुद्यैकतः पिण्डान् कृत्वा शुष्कान् सुचूर्णितान् |
शालितण्डुलचूर्णं च तत्कषायोष्मसाधितम् ||३२||
तस्य पिष्टस्य भागांस्त्रीन् किण्वभागविमिश्रितान् |
मण्डोदकार्थे क्वाथं च दद्यात्तत्सर्वमेकतः ||३३||
निदध्यात्कलसे तां तु सुरां जातरसां पिबेत् |
एष एव सुराकल्पो वमनेष्वपि कीर्तितः ||३४||
Masha needs to be soaked within the decoction of the foundation of purgative medicine barely heated. Equally rice which has been washed correctly (and cleansed) needs to be soaked (triturated) in the identical kashayas (decoctions ready with purgative medicine). Each these masha (black gram) and rice needs to be pounded and made right into a bolus. The powder of different sorts of rice needs to be cooked within the steam of the decoctions ready with purgative medicine. This, one portion needs to be added with three parts of masha-tandula churna (powder of black gram and rice ready above) and one a part of kinva (yeast) blended and stirred properly. They’re put right into a pot and stored undisturbed for a number of days after mixing the purgative decoctions in order to organize sura. When it has attained good style (good fermentation) or when sura (beer) is shaped, it needs to be used for the aim of purgation (as purgative medication).

This methodology of getting ready Sura (beer) may also be adopted for getting ready emetic recipes.
Learn – Charaka Kalpa Sthana sixth Chapter Kritavedhana Kalpam

Sauviraka Kalpana – Making ready one other form of beer

मूलानि त्रिवृदादीनां प्रथमस्य गणस्य च |
महतः पञ्चमूलस्य मूर्वाशार्ङ्गेष्टयोरपि ||३५||
सुधां हैमवतीं चैव त्रिफलातिविषे वचाम् |
संहृत्यैतानि भागौ द्वौ कारयेदेकमेतयोः ||३६||
कुर्यान्निःक्वाथमेकस्मिन्नेकस्मिंश्चूर्णमेव तु |
क्षुण्णांस्तस्मिंस्तु निःक्वाथे भावयेद्बहुशो यवान् ||३७||
शुष्काणां मृदुभृष्टानां तेषां भागास्त्रयो मताः |
चतुर्थं भागमावाप्य चूर्णानामत्र कीर्तितम् ||३८||
प्रक्षिप्य कलसे सम्यक् ततस्तं तदनन्तरम् |
तेषामेव कषायेण शीतलेन सुयोजितम् ||३९||
पूर्ववत् सन्निदध्यात्तु ज्ञेयं सौवीरकं हि तत् |४०|
Root of Trivrit and so forth. (purgative medicine) and the primary gana (vidarigandhadi gana), medicine of Mahat Panchamula, Murva, Sharngesta, Sudha, haimavati, triphala, Ativisha and Vacha – are collected and made into two elements. One half needs to be made into decoction and the opposite half is made into powder. Then dry yava (barley) needs to be soaked (triturated) on this (above ready) decoction many occasions, dried and later fried barely. Three elements of this powder of yava needs to be taken and blended with one a part of the powder (ready above). The resultant powder needs to be put in a pot. Over this, the chilly decoction (ready with trivrit and so forth as defined above) needs to be put (poured). The contents of the pot needs to be stored undisturbed for some days (for fermentation). The resultant preparation known as sauviraka. This sauviraka is used as a purgative recipe.
Learn – Charaka Kalpa Sthana seventh Chapter Shyama Trivrit Kalpam

Tushodaka kalpana – Making ready third form of beer

पूर्वोक्तं वर्गमाहृत्य द्विधा कृत्वैकमेतयोः ||४०||
भागं सङ्क्षुद्य संसृज्य यवैः स्थाल्यामधिश्रयेत् |
अजशृङ्ग्याः कषायेण तमभ्यासिच्य साधयेत् ||४१||
सुसिद्धांश्चावतार्यैतानौषधिभ्यो विवेचयेत् |
विमृद्य सतुषान् सम्यक् ततस्तान् पूर्ववन्मितान् ||४२||
पूर्वोक्तौषधभागस्य चूर्णं दत्त्वा तु पूर्ववत् |
तेनैव सह यूषेण कलसे पूर्ववत् क्षिपेत् ||४३||
ज्ञात्वा जातरसं चापि तत्तुषोदकमादिशेत् |
तुषाम्बुसौवीरकयोर्विधिरेष प्रकीर्तितः ||४४||
षड्रात्रात् सप्तरात्राद्वा ते च पेये प्रकीर्तिते |४५|

The medicine talked about beforehand (in verses 35-36) are collected, divided into two elements. One a part of that is pounded, blended with Yava (together with its husk based on Dalhana) made right into a bundle and boiled in an enormous vessel together with decoction of Ajashringi. After it’s properly cooked, the bundle is opened and Yava is separated from the opposite medicine, grinded properly and blended with the powder (the remaining second half) of the medicine talked about earlier. Subsequent, that is put into the decoction ready from the identical (medicine and barley) stuffed right into a pot and stored as stated earlier. After understanding it has grow to be properly fermented, this liquid often known as Tusodaka is taken out to be used.
Thus, was described the mode of getting ready Tushambu (tushodaka) and Sauviraka; these grow to be appropriate for consuming after six or seven days (that’s the time required for fermentation).
Notes: The distinction between Sauvirka and tushodaka is simply in respect of the usage of barley; for Sauviraka dehusked barley barely fried is used, whereas for Tushodaka barley together with its husk and unfired is used.

वैरेचनेषु सर्व्येषु त्रिवृन्मूलविधिः स्मृतः ||४५||
 The process (of getting ready purgative recipes) for all different purgative medicine is just like that described for trivrit.

Danti Dravanti Kalpa

Recipes of – Danti- Baliospermum montanum, Dravanti- Croton tiglium Linn

दन्तीद्रवन्त्योर्मूलानि विशेषान्मृत्कुशान्तरे |
पिप्पलीक्षौद्रयुक्तानि स्विन्नान्युद्धृत्य शोषयेत् ||४६||
ततस्त्रिवृद्विधानेन योजयेच्छ्लेष्मपित्तयोः |४७|

Roots of Danti and Dravanti, together with Pippali and Kshaudra (honey) needs to be positioned inside a bundle of Kusha grass, enveloped with mud and specifically cooked by placing it inside a fireplace. Afterwards it’s taken out, dried, powdered and utilized in the identical approach as that of Trivrit, in ailments brought on by kapha and pitta.

 तयोः कल्ककषायाभ्यां चक्रतैलं विपाचयेत् ||४७||
सर्पिश्च पक्वं वीसर्पकक्षादाहालजीर्जयेत् |
मेहगुल्मानिलश्लेष्मविबन्धांस्तैलमेव च ||४८||
चतुःस्नेहं शकृच्छुक्रवातसंरोधजा रुजः |४९|
Chakra taila is cooked utilizing the paste and decoction of those roots (of Danti and Dravanti). Ghrita is cooked in the identical method; it cures erysipelas, pustules within the Axilla, burning sensation and dermatitis.

Oil cooked cures diabetes, belly tumor, ailments of Vata and Kapha and constipation. Combination of all of the 4 fat oil, ghee, muscle fats and marrow cooked in the identical approach cures ailments / pains brought on by obstruction of faeces, semen and flatus.

दन्तीद्रवन्तीमरिचकनकाह्वयवासकैः ||४९||
सप्ताहं सर्पिषा चूर्णं योज्यमेतद्विरेचनम् ||५०||
जीर्णे सन्तर्पणं क्षौद्रं पित्तश्लेष्मरुजापहम् |
अजीर्णपार्श्वरुक्पाण्डुप्लीहोदरनिबर्हणम् ||५१||

Roots of Danti and Dravanti, together with Maricha, Kanakahvya (Kankustha or Nagakesara), Yavasaka, Vishvabhesaja, Mridvika and Chitraka are soaked in Gomutra for seven days, afterwards dried and transformed to powder. This powder is for use as a Purgative recipe mixing it with ghee. After it will get digested, honey needs to be used as restorative (or laja sattu needs to be used with honey as restorative). By this, ailments brought on by Pitta and Kapha, indigestion, ache within the flanks, anemia and splenomegaly get cured.

गुडस्याष्टपले पथ्या विंशतिः स्युः पलं पलम् |
दन्तीचित्रकयोः कर्षौ पिप्पलीत्रिवृतोर्दश ||५२||
कृत्वैतान्मोदकानेकं दशमे दशमेऽहनि |
ततः खादेदुष्णतोयसेवी निर्यन्त्रणास्त्विमे ||५३||
दोषघ्ना ग्रहणीपाण्डुरोगार्शःकुष्ठनाशनाः |५४|
Guda – jaggery (eight Pala), Pathya twenty by quantity, Danti and Cihtraka each pala (40gms), Pippali and Trivrit one Karsha (10gms) every are powdered properly and made into ten tablets. One tablet to be consumed each tenth day adopted by consuming heat water and observing restraint (avoidance of breeze, daylight and so forth.). This tablet mitigates the Doshas, and cures duodenal illness, anemia, hemorrhoids, and leprosy (and a few pores and skin ailments).
Learn – Charaka Kalpa Sthana twelfth Chapter Danti Dravanti Kalpam

Trivridastaka modaka

व्योषं त्रिजातकं मुस्ता विडङ्गामलके तथा ||५४||
नवैतानि समांशानि त्रिवृदष्टगुणानि वै |
श्लक्ष्णचूर्णीकृतानीह दन्तीभागद्वयं तथा ||५५||
(सर्वाणि चूर्णितानीह गालितानि विमिश्रयेत् ) |
षड्भिश्च शर्कराभागैरीषत्सैन्धवमाक्षिकैः ||५६||
पिण्डितं भक्षयित्वा तु ततः शीताम्बु पाययेत् |
बस्तिरुक्तृड्ज्वरच्छर्दिशोषपाण्डुभ्रमापहम् ||५७||
निर्यन्त्रणमिदं सर्वविषघ्नं तु विरेचनम् |
त्रिवृदष्टकसञ्ज्ञोऽयं प्रशस्तः पित्तरोगिणाम् ||५८||
भक्ष्यः क्षीरानुपानो वा पित्तश्लेष्मातुरैर्नरैः |
भक्ष्यरूपसधर्मत्वादाढ्येष्वेव विधीयते ||५९||
Vyosha, Trijataka, Musta, Vidanga, Amalaka – these 9 medicine every equal in amount, collectively forming one half, is added with Trivrit – eight elements and Danti two elements. All are made into a pleasant powder, filtered by fabric; and blended with sugar-six elements, little portions of saindhava and Makshika (honey) and made into tablets. This needs to be consumed adopted by consuming chilly water and remaining restrained. This cures ache of the bladder, thirst, fever, vomiting, consumption, anemia and vertigo and all types of poisons. This   purgative recipe often known as Trivridashtaka (modaka) is finest suited to individuals affected by ailments of pitta origin; it may be consumed by individuals affected by ailments of pitta and Kapha, adopted by consuming milk. It may be administered even to rich individuals since it’s comparable in qualities to bhaksya (meals menu).

Tvak virechana – Recipes from purgative barks

Tilvaka Kalpa- recipes of Tilvaka (Symplocos racemosa Roxb)

तिल्वकस्य त्वचं बाह्यामन्तर्वल्कविवर्जिताम् |
चूर्णयित्वा तु द्वौ भागौ तत्कषायेण गालयेत् ||६०||
तृतीयं भावितं तेन भागं शुष्कं तु भावितम् |
दशमूलीकषायेण त्रिवृद्वत्सम्प्रयोजयेत् ||६१||
विधानं त्वक्षु निर्दिष्टं … |६२|
The outer bark of Tilvaka, devoid of its inside layer, is collected, dried properly and made into powder and divided into three parts. Two parts are boiled with its personal (Tilvaka) Kashaya. The remaining third portion of the powder is soaked on this Kashaya (triturated) and is later dried. Later this powder is triturated (soaked in) Dasamula decoction, dried and used for purgation identical to trivrit (recipe).

Phala Virechana – Recipes from purgative fruits

 Haritaki kalpa – recipes of Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula Retz)

 … फलानामथ वक्ष्यते |
हरीतक्याः फलं त्वस्थिविमुक्तं दोषवर्जितम् ||६२||
योज्यं त्रिवृद्विधानेन सर्वव्याधिनिबर्हणम् |
रसायनं परं मेध्यं दुष्टान्तर्व्रणशोधनम् ||६३||
हरीतकी विडङ्गानि सैन्धवं नागरं त्रिवृत् |
मरिचानि च तत्सर्वं गोमुत्रेण विरेचनम् ||६४||
हरीतकी भद्रदारु कुष्ठं पूगफलं तथा |
सैन्धवं शृङ्गवेरं च गोमूत्रेण विरेचनम् ||६५||
नीलिनीफलचूर्णं तु नागराभययोस्तथा |
लिह्याद्गुडेन सलिलं पश्चादुष्णं पिबेन्नरः ||६६||
पिप्पल्यादिकषायेण पिबेत्पिष्टां हरीतकीम् |
सैन्धवोपहितां सद्य एष योगो विरेचयेत् ||६७||
हरीतकी भक्ष्यमाणा नागरेण गुडेन वा |
सैन्धवोपहिता वाऽपि सातत्येनाग्निदीपनी ||६८||
वातानुलोमनी वृष्या चेन्द्रियाणां प्रसादनी |
सन्तर्पणकृतान् रोगान् प्रायो हन्ति हरीतकी ||६९||

Subsequent, we are going to describe the recipes from fruits; Haritaki Phala devoid of its seed and blemishes needs to be made use of in the identical method as that of Trivrit, this (Haritaki) cures all ailments, is a finest rejuvenator, promotes intelligence and cleanses inner ulcers.

  •  Haritaki, Vidanga, Saindhava, Nagara, Trivrit and Marica and made into good powder and consumed blended with Gomutra; it is a good purgative.
  • Powder of Nilini Ohala, Nagara and Abhya, licked with Guda adopted by consuming heat water as a purgative.
  • Paste of Haritaki is blended with the decoction of medication of pippaliyadi Gana and added with Saindhava; this recipe produces purgation instantly.
  • Haritaki consumed habitually, blended with both Nagara, Guda or Pippalyadi Gana and added with Saindhava; this recipe produces purgation’s instantly. Haritaki consumed habitually, blended with both Nagara, Guda or Saindhava kindles digestive energy.
  • Haritaki promotes downward motion of Vata, is aphrodisciac, brings keenness to the sense organs and customarily cures ailments by extra nourishment.

Triphala Kalpa- Recipes of Triphala

शीतमामलकं रूक्षं पित्तमेदःकफापहम् |
बिभीतकमनुष्णं तु कफपित्तनिबर्हणम् ||७०||
त्रीण्यप्यम्लकषायाणि सतिक्तमधुराणि च |७१|
त्रिफला सर्वरोगघ्नी त्रिभागघृतमूर्च्छिता ||७१||
वयसः स्थापनं चापि कुर्यात् सन्ततसेविता |७२|
हरीतकीविधानेन फलान्येवं प्रयोजयेत् ||७२||

विरेचनानि सर्वाणि… |७३|

  •  Amalaka is chilly; dry (non-unctuous) mitigates Pitta, Medas and Kapha. Vibhitaka shouldn’t be scorching (is chilly) in efficiency, mitigates Kapha and Pitta.
  •  All of the three (Haritaki, Amalaki, Vibhitaka) are bitter and astringent in style prominently and bitter and candy barely.
  • Triphala cures all ailments, when consumed with three elements of ghee and consumed habitually it withholds even ageing.
  • All different purgative fruits could also be made use of in the identical method prescribed for Haritaki.

Chaturangula Kalpa

Recipe of Chaturangula (Cassia fistula)

… विशेषाच्चतुरङ्गुलात् |
फलं काले समुद्धृत्य सिकतायां निधापयेत् ||७३||
सप्ताहमातपे शुष्कमतो मज्जानमुद्धरेत् |
तैलं ग्राह्यं जले पक्त्वा तिलवद्वा प्रपीड्य च ||७४||
तस्योपयोगो बालानां यावद्वर्षाणि द्वादश |
लिह्यादेरण्डतैलेन कुष्ठत्रिकटुकान्वितम् ||७५||
सुखोदकं चानुपिबेदेष योगो विरेचयेत् |७६|
 Chaturangula (Cassia fistula Linn), particularly its fruits, needs to be collected on the acceptable time and stored buried in sand for seven days. Then it’s dried in daylight and its marrow (gummy materials inside) is collected individually. Then its oil is extracted by boiling in water or by urgent as just like Tila. This oil will be made use for kids as much as their age of twelve years and could also be licked (by adults) together with Eranda taila and powder of Kustha and Trikatuka adopted by consuming heat water, these recipes produce purgations simply.

Taila virechana- Recipes from purgative oils

एरण्डतैलं त्रिफलाक्वाथेन त्रिगुणेन तु ||७६||
युक्तं पीतं तथा क्षीररसाभ्यां तु विरेचयेत् |
बालवृद्धक्षतक्षीणसुकुमारेषु योजितम् ||७७||
Eranda taila (castor oil- Ricinis communis Linn) blended with thrice its amount of decoction of triphala or with milk or meat soup produces purgation. This can be administered to kids, previous individuals, the wounded, emaciated and individuals of tender structure.

Ksheera virechana – Recipes from purgative latex


फलानां विधिरुद्दिष्टः …. |७८|
… क्षीराणां शृणु सुश्रुत! |

विरेचनानां तीक्ष्णानां पयः सौधं परं मतम् ||७८||
अज्ञप्रयुक्तं तद्धन्ति विषवत् कर्मविभ्रमात् |
विजानता प्रयुक्तं तु महान्तमपि सञ्चयम् ||७९||
भिनत्त्याश्वेव दोषाणां रोगान् हन्ति च दुस्तरान् |८०|
Thus, was described the tactic of utilizing purgative fruits. Pricey Sushruta, hear now to recipes of latex (milky sap). Amongst robust purgatives, milky sap of Sudha (snuhi) (Euphorbia Nerrifolia Linn) is taken into account the perfect. When it’s administered by the ignorant (physicians) it kills (the affected person) like poison (kills an individual) by improper utilization. However when used with full data, it shortly removes even nice accumulation of doshas and cures ailments that are troublesome to treatment.

महत्याः पञ्चमूल्यास्तु बृहत्योश्चैकशः पृथक् ||८०||
कषायैः समभागं तु तदङ्गारेषु शोषितम् |
अम्लादिभिः पूर्ववत्तु प्रयोज्यं कोलसम्मितम् ||८१||
महावृक्षपयः पीतैर्यवागूस्तण्डुलैः कृता |
पीता विरेचयत्याशु गुडेनोत्कारिका कृता ||८२||
लेहो वा साधितः सम्यक् स्नुहीक्षीरपयोघृतैः [९] |
भावितास्तु स्नुहीक्षीरे पिप्पल्यो लवणान्विताः ||८३||
चूर्णं काम्पिल्लकं वाऽपि तत्पीतं गुटिकीकृतम् |८४|
 Medication of Mahat Panchamula along with the 2 Brihati (seven medicine in whole) are made into decoction. To that is added one half (equal) of milky sap of Snuhi and consumed within the dose of 1 kola (10gm) adopted by consuming bitter liquids (Sura, Mastu, Kanjika and so forth) (to supply purgation).
Rice is soaked within the milky sap of Mahavriksha (snuhi) and dried properly. Yavagu (thick gruel) is ready from this and consumed. This produces purgation. Or Panaka could also be made utilizing Guda or confection ready with sap of Snuhi, milk and ghee could also be used. Pippali, Lavana and dirt of Kampillaka are soaked in sap of Snuhi. Then they’re made into tablets and consumed (might also however used to supply purgation).
Learn – Charaka Kalpa Sthana tenth Chapter Sudha Kalpam

Shaptala, Shankhini, Danti, Trivrit and Aragvadha

सप्तला शङ्खिनी दन्ती त्रिवृदारग्वधं गवाम् ||८४||
मूत्रेणाप्लाव्य सप्ताहं स्नुहीक्षीरे ततः परम् |
कीर्णं तेनैव चूर्णेन माल्यं वसनमेव च ||८५||
आघ्रायावृत्य वा सम्यङ्मृदुकोष्ठो विरिच्यते |८६|
क्षीरत्वक्फलमूलानां विधानैः परिकीर्तितैः |
अवेक्ष्य सम्यग्रोगादीन् यथावदुपयोजयेत् ||८६||
Saptala, Sankhini, Danti, Trivrit and Aragvadha – are powdered and soaked in Gomutra for seven days and dried. Subsequent that is soaked within the sap of Snuhi (for seven days) and dried. This wonderful powder is sprinkled on garlands or gown and given to the affected person to inhale. By doing so repeatedly, individuals of sentimental bowel motion may have purgation.

The doctor after fastidiously contemplating the character of the ailments ought to administer purgative recipes ready from latex, bark, fruits and roots of medication as described thus far.
Learn – Charaka Kalpa Sthana eleventh Chapter Saptala Shankhini Kalpam

Shresta virechana yoga- Finest purgative recipe

त्रिवृच्छाणा मितास्तिस्रस्तिस्रश्च त्रिफलात्वचः |
विडङ्गपिप्पलीक्षारशाणास्तिस्रश्च चूर्णिताः ||८७||
लिह्यात् सर्पिर्मधुभ्यां च मोदकं वा गुडेन वा |
क्षयेन्निष्परीहारमेतच्छ्रेष्ठं विरेचनम् ||८८||
गुल्मं प्लीहोदरं कासं हलीमकमरोचकम् |
कफवातकृतांश्चान्यान् व्याधीनेतद्व्यपोहति ||८९||
Trivrit one Shana (750 mg), bark of every of triphala – three Shana every (2 1/2 gm) Vidanga, Pippali, and Yavaksara collectively three Shana(2 ½  gm)- all are powdered  properly and licked together with ghee and honey  or made into tablets utilizing guda (jaggery) and consumed. It is a finest purgative recipe, free from any hazard, cures belly tumors, splenomegaly, cough, chlorosis, lack of style and different ailments brought on by kapha and Vata.

 घृतेषु तैलेषु पयःसु चापि मद्येषु मूत्रेषु तथा रसेषु |
भक्ष्यान्नलेह्येषु च तेषु तेषु विरेचनान्यग्रमतिर्विदध्यात् ||९०||
 The clever doctor administers purgative recipes ready from acceptable medicine together with medicated ghee, oil, milk, wine, urine, and meat soup.

Six formulations of medication that are ‘mild’ in successive order

क्षीरं रसः कल्कमथो कषायः शृतश्च शीतश्च तथैव चूर्णम् |
कल्पाः षडेते खलु भेषजानां यथोत्तरं ते लघवः प्रदिष्टाः ||९१||
The six sorts of formulation of medication that are described as mild (simple for digestion) of their successive order are –

  • recent juice,
  • paste,
  • decoction,
  • scorching infusion,
  • chilly infusion and
  • powder

इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने विरेचनद्रव्यविकल्पविज्ञानीयो नाम चतुश्चत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः ||४४||
Thus ends the Forty fourth chapter by title Virechana dravya Kalpa Vijnaniya in sutra Sthana of Sushruta samhita.


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